கருட புராணத்தின் கொடூரத் தண்டனைகள் வீடியோ அதிகம் பகிரவும் | Deadly Punishments After Death Mentioned in Garuda Puranam

The Garuda Purana is one of the Vishnu Puranas. It is essentially a dialogue between Lord Vishnu and Garuda, the king of birds. The Garuda Purana deals with the particular issues of Hindu Philosophy connected with death, funeral rites and the metaphysics of reincarnation. One might find often that the Sanskrit word 'Naraka' is taken to be "hell" in most English translations of Indian texts. The Hindu concept of "Heaven and "Hell" are not quite the same as what we imagine them to be in popular culture today. The western concepts of Hell and Heaven roughly correspond to the Hindu equivalent of "intermediate states between birth and rebirth". One chapter of the text deals with the nature of punishment that is prescribed for sinners of the extreme kind that inhabit middle earth Punishments.

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