ஹோட்டல்களிலும் 420 எண் கொண்ட அறை இல்லாததன் மர்மம் என்ன? | Why don't you ever see room 420 in hotels

So, here's a weird thing you've probably never noticed on your many stays at fancy hotels (because yes, we're ALWAYS staying at fancy hotels. We're posh, innit). Loads of hotels - particularly in America, but everywhere, really - tend to avoid having rooms with the room number 420. Yep. They'll have 419 and 421. But rarely 420. Whaaaa? But WHY? It all has to do with people misbehaving, taking the piss, and generally being very, very naughty. You see, 420 is widely considered a secret code for - whisper it - smoking weed. Dun. Dun. Duuuuun. Yeah, that's why everyone gathers to peacefully chant about legalising marijuana on April 20th (4/20 in America). The second you mention 420, whether it's the answer to a maths question, the time, or a number on a knockoff basketball shirt, you'll get all kinds of titters from the weed-smokers in the room.

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